Sunday, January 28, 2018

We Bought a Trailer!

We made the big move and purchased a travel trailer today!  We knew exactly which trailer we wanted so it was just going through the purchase process.  We bought a Grand Design Imagine 2600RB.  Our friends, John & Sandy, stopped by the sales lot to help us walk through the unit and point out important items based on their RV'ing experiences.

Here is what we bought......

We won't pick up the unit until April.  Hopefully in time to attend the RV-Dreams RV Rally at the end of April as our first trip.

We're both excited to get started on this journey but so many tasks to complete before we embark!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Retirement Notifications in Motion

I told my boss today of my plan to retire in the May-July time frame.  It came as quite a shock to him.  I'm really burned out at work and feel like I've been on a hamster wheel just going around and around and not getting anywhere.  It feels like no one cares about our work load anymore.  We need more resources and yet they take more away and expect us to turn out even more complicated deliveries!  It's really time for me to move on!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The House Purging Continues

Donated some old work clothes to Working Wardrobes this week.  That feels good!

After taking the Christmas tree down, Roberto and Carmen picked up some Christmas decorations that didn't fit into the 'must keep' crate.  I'll be so happy to get rid of the artificial tree we've had since we bought it on one of our early Christmas trips to PA as a married couple.  We bought it at Sears as a floor model and a worker took it apart for us and boxed it up in an exercise equipment box.  Then my Dad shipped it to us in CA.

Some of my favorite decorations:






Monday, January 1, 2018

Big Changes Coming in 2018

New Blog as we venture in to 2018!  How excited and nervous we are for the big changes planned for the new year!

Happy New Year!

Image result for happy 2018 clipart

Lake Mead, Prescott Valley, and Cottonwood, Arizona

The four hour drive from Tonopah to Boulder City in Nevada was uneventful.  We got parked at the Elks lodge and set up.    The next day we r...

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