Saturday, October 21, 2017

Yard Sale #1

Thanks to a local realtor we had our first yard sale to start emptying the house and made $370!

It was a lot of work and this is just the start!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Moving Day at Work

After many years of having my own cubicle the powers that be have decided it's OK for us to now share a cube while they refurbish the whole building I was in.  So I went from this in the A building:

To this in the D Building:

The view of the courtyard from my new location.

And worse, we're right by a big conference room and the elevators.  My co-worker and I now share a cube.  We have to alternate the days we're in the office so I hardly ever see her anymore.  May this is a sign that it's time for me to retire. 

Lake Mead, Prescott Valley, and Cottonwood, Arizona

The four hour drive from Tonopah to Boulder City in Nevada was uneventful.  We got parked at the Elks lodge and set up.    The next day we r...

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